
Cal's Fitness

Strength Stamina Stretch Stability



Cal's Fitness

Strength Stamina Stretch Stability


Fitness is essential to overall mind and body wellness.  Workouts at Cal's Fitness happen with this awareness foremost - careful attention to the personal needs of each and every individual guides functional activities.

Intensity varies with goals, abilities and limitations, as does workout duration.  If you are a person whose physical or emotional limitations have produced discomfort or pain in other, more typical gym environments, you will find a completely comfortable, safe, and very rewarding space at Cal's Fitness.

Clients arrive with varied goals ranging from injury, joint replacement, and pregnancy recovery to triathletes working to shave minutes from their times, golfers wanting longer drives, and dressage riders seeking higher score in competition.

Regardless of your goals, an investment of time and energy at Cal's Fitness will have you feeling far better than you believed possible.  Best of all, you'll actually enjoy your workouts.





Cal's Fitness follows the teachings of Joseph Pilates and Power Pilates, the premier, classical Pilates exercise system.  This is exceptionally well thought out and 'wellness" based.  It benefits to joints and muscles (flexibility and strength) while improving stamina and balance.  Perhaps more importantly, it is extremely safe - you will explore your limits gently, over time, in a way that leads to long-term improvement.

Joe's methods have stood the test of time and are consistently validated by the latest developments in sports medicine and current scientific advances.  In the nearly 100 years since Joe crafted his workout ideas into what we now know as "Pilates", our work and lifestyle behaviors have evolved to make him seem ever more visionary.  Here are some of the key points to know about Pilates:

~ Pilates is a movement based system.  You will spend your time moving for the duration of the workout, not finding poses and holding them.

~ The movements in Pilates tend to use 'full range of motion' within the joints.  The exercises, over time, will lead you toward maximizing the range your body will accommodate in every joint.  That equates to comfortable, fluid movement, perceived from the outside as 'graceful movement'.

~ Strength is improved, but not at the expense of flexibility or balance.  The harmony between strength, stamina, flexibility, and balance improvement is a constant at Cal's Fitness and within the system of Pilates.

~ Each workout, while challenging, is not intended to exhaust the body - you will leave your sessions feeling refreshed and, over the arc of your time working out at Cal's Fitness, you will experience improvements in all facets of your body's functioning.  Seriously.  Your balance will improve along with your strength, stamina, and flexibility.

~ Cal's Fitness uses other fitness equipment, beyond the Pilates specific tools, in a distinctly 'Pilates-esque' manner; for example, your time spent using the TRX straps will much more closely resemble a springboard exercise than a typical TRX training session.  While it is impossible to know what Joe would have thought about the modern materials and myriad of training tools available to a modern instructor, sessions at Cal's Fitness strive to keep core Pilates values and movements throughout all exercise movements, regardless of the tool in hand.

The Pilates equipment at this bright and cheerful studio includes two Merrithew reformers, a Wunda Chair, magic circles and four Stott spring wall-boards.


Suspension system utilized in a manner consistent with the TRX design but based on Pilates philosophy.  By adding the postural and full range of movement elements of Pilates to the wonderful versatility of the TRX equipment, an amazing hybrid is achieved - individuals use the body lean angles possible to enhance classical Pilates movements.  Consider the result a modern take on the springboard apparatus...


The studio is conservative, non-trend driven, and fully consistent with the original teachings of Joe Pilates.  There can be no doubt, however, that Joe would have loved the modern materials and would definitely have utilized today's equipment to further his aims.  Cal's Fitness feels the same and makes use of newer equipment to deepen the Pilates experience.





Cal has helped me recover movement in my lumbar spine that has been missing throughout the decade and a half that has passed since having my first child.  My experience at the studio has centered on Mat classes with a little time experimenting with the BOSU balls, TRX and Swiss balls.  I'm getting stronger with every class and slowly but surely, the flexibility in my back is returning!  I can feel the core strength that we've build in my body and now my husband is noticing too.  It's wonderful - the classes are fun and the improvements are making me feel younger and more fit!


What a great studio!  I've been making my private sessions and duet classes an ongoing part of my life for over two years now and love it!  All four of my daughters have trained with Cal - it's a family thing now :-)  Coming to the studio was a truely liberating experience as it had been years of sacrificing myself for everyone and everything else in the 30 years prior.  This time and benefits are mine, the fun for an hour is something that I cherrish during my hectic week.  Physically, I'm much stronger, balancing better, and feel more confident than I have in years!  I'm so happy to have found this studio!


Cal has been a family friend and instructor to me and my daughters since he began as an apprentice instructor in 2009.  Seeking relief from years of pain caused by personal health issues, I was drawn to Pilates as a movement and exercise method of treatment.  Just as my experienced friends had said, it is one of the only ways for me to live with significantly less pain in my muscles and joints.  I've enjoyed the Mat classes Cal taught at the school I work in but nothing beats the variety of equipment and exercises at the studio.  He's fun, careful, funny, and generous with his expertise.  Come see!

Cal Spinney

Born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1969, I've been active since my earliest memories in little league and youth soccer.  Pole vaulting, javelin throwing, participating in soccer, baseball, & softball leagues, coaching youth/men's/women's sports, surfing, skiing, trail running, mountain biking are some of the activities at which I've tried my hand.

Pilates came later in life, as it does for many.  It wasn't until I was faced with the balding head in the mirror, the aching right shoulder, nearly ruined knees, and rapidly deteriorating posture from desk work, that I came to the realization that my active life needed to center on wellness, not adrenaline and vanity.  It is with great humility that I approach Pilates instruction, knowing how difficult it is to let go of societal pressure to compete, to set aside the vain pursuit of a youthful visage, both mirror and memory.  As it turns out, the fountain of youth comes with great effort to balance the mind and body, to balance strength with flexibility, and to entwine stamina with core stability throughout all.

There is a rule of thumb that in any activity, true expertise comes only after roughly 10,000 hours of practice.  With that milestone long past, I have earned a deep competency in Pilates practice and instruction that is coupled with a greater appreciation for how much is yet to be learned.  Clients come to me with amazing abilities and occasionally profound limitations.  It is a profound pleasure able to help them reach their goals with safety and humor.

My education includes a B.S. in Resource Economics and a M.S. in Environmental Science. Among many things I've worked at prior to this studio include grinding at a high-tech start-up in the Boston area and teaming with some of the smartest people I've ever met here at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory as research scientist in Richland, Washington.  I've been fortunate to have traveled extensively in Europe and South/Central America.

My real pleasure are my boys.  When not instructing at Cal's Fitness, you will find me in the park, past the gate in our backyard fence, playing ball, flying kites, and enjoying the beautiful, Tri-Cities evenings…

Thank you very much for your interest in my studio.




Studio Location

Hours are dependent on your needs, within reasonable limitations.  Typically options for workout sessions range between the hours of 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Studio Location

Hours are dependent on your needs, within reasonable limitations.  Typically options for workout sessions range between the hours of 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.


TriCities - Kennewick

1920 N Pittsburg St., Suite 1
Kennewick, WA 99336



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